Memorial Day is all about remembering the men and women who sacrificed their lives to to preserve our freedoms. Our country has a long history, as other countries do. We have our problems and divisions, however we are all united by a common bond we call being American. It is our inherent duty to make things better for each of our own interests, as well as for our fellow countrymen and women. We do it best by working together. This sometimes takes great private and public sacrifices, even the giving of one’s life to save another.
We often change our self identities with culture shifts and changes with time. What never fades is the courage of people who take an oath to give their lives for the sake of others. Joining any branch of service guarantees no safe return trip home. Some never did, but they are not forgotten.
It is our duty to remember those that have no voice because they are fallen, honor them with thoughts and actions. Visit graves, tell stories, and say thank you because you never know what dark hell someone had to get through to live another day, while others passed away.
I would like to thank my Great Grandpa Harvey who served in WWII in the Navy operating landing craft in the Pacific theater. I visited him on the way home from the 2017 trip and had a special time hearing his stories.
We will be attending the ceremony at the Chattanooga National Cemetery at 11:00 am, on Monday the 29th, of May, 2018.
Joshua Kapellusch