Thank you everyone who has supported the mission! I am sincerely grateful for the support of the community as a whole, and individually.
The reason I am on a mission to remember the Fallen 5 is because I believe it is what they would have wanted. To be remembered. To never be forgotten, ever. Each time someone sees the truck, they must remember the Fallen 5. My goal is to make their memory and sacrifice a positive one – a good memory. I want people to ask questions about the Fallen 5 so I can tell their story.
I remember how Chattanoogans came together as a community on that day, and long after. I have made it my personal mission to show the world how people can come together with love, and overcome any terrible act. My City – Chattanooga – is a loving city. We have healed from the attacks, but we are still healing. Healing is not forgetting, it is growth.
The mission is important and it takes a lot of sacrifice to make it successful. For the 3rd year we are making it happen and need your help.
Below is more information on how you can help us!
The Fallen 5 Drive updated sheet
Thank you!
Joshua Kapellusch