Day 5. Salina, UT to Yosimite National Park. CA
The sun warmed the day as it rose over the canyon walls. Parking at night always leaves a bit of question in your mind as to where you really are. Sometimes it can be a good spot, others not so much. However, this spot paid off greatly! It was so beautiful! We planned on sleeping outside a few nights of the trip to enjoy nature and save money. We packed warm clothes, rain gear, and sleeping bags. Also added was rolls of garbage bags, zip lock bags, and a new tote. Keeping things dry in an open top truck is a must!
In the good practice of keeping expenses down, our goal was to have plenty of snacks and food packed with us. At the store we picked up food to make sandwiches, but also sausage and bacon to cook from the Blazer of Glory! The grill can attach to the truck’s propane for cooking. Somewhere in the desert we pulled off and drove up a large hill to cook our bacon and sausage for breakfast.
After our little off-grid experience we were back on the road to California. We arrived at Yosemite National Park after dark and decided to pull off into a cove. Michelle would say ”Slept outside in cove with the bear sniff’n my meaty breath…”
We decided to sleep outside in the truck at Yosemite…with the bears! We hadn’t realized we packed so much food with us including the day’s trash. The signs were everywhere warning about bears and food! So we sat there in the absolute dark making ham sandwiches and thinking about the pan with bacon grease on it and how bears would love to check us out.
Joshua Kapellusch